Chrome Flat Auto Ad pictured above.
Find Auto Ad templates online.
Flat Auto Ads
White Reflective
Chrome Polyester
Domed Auto Ads
White // Clear // Chrome
Permanent, pressure-sensitive
Production Time
Flat Auto Ads
Approximately 5 working days.
Domed Auto Ads
Approximately 7 working days.
Color Match
Add $43.00(E) per color to be matched.
Copy/Color Changes
Add $40.00(E) per each change.
See Appendix B for additional information.
Art Preparation
There are no art charges for orders
with approved digital art. Add
$51.00(C) for artwork that does not
meet specifications.
See Appendix A for complete information.
Size Guide for Auto Ads
Shape Item No. Approx. Size
No. 030 Chrome
No. 130 White Reflective 5.75" x 1.875"
No. 030D Domed
No. 031 Chrome
No. 131 White Reflective 5.644" x 1.867"
No. 031D Domed
No. 032 Chrome
No. 132 White Reflective 5.573" x 1.388"
No. 032D Domed
No. 034 Chrome
No. 134 White Reflective 5.813" x 2"
No. 034D Domed
No. 035 Chrome
No. 135 White Reflective 5.793" x 1.912"
No. 035D Domed
No. 036 Chrome
No. 136 White Reflective 5.791" x 1.912"
No. 036D Domed
No. 039 Chrome
No. 139 White Reflective 5.81" x 1.907"
No. 039D Domed
No. 040 Chrome
No. 140 White Reflective 5.733" x 1.865"
No. 040D Domed
No. 041 Chrome
No. 141 White Reflective 5.766" x 1.82"
No. 041D Domed
No. 054 Chrome
No. 154 White Reflective 5.701" x 1.873"
No. 054D Domed
No. 055 Chrome
No. 155 White Reflective 4" x 2"
No. 055D Domed
No. 056 Chrome
No. 156 White Reflective 4.5" x 2.125"
No. 056D Domed
No. 918D Domed 6" x 1.5"
No. 919D Domed 5.75" x 1.875"
Domed Decals for Keyless Remotes
See pages 42 and 43 for more doming options.
No. 981
1 1/8" x 3/4"
Chrome Polyester and White Reflective 125 250 500 1000 1500 2500 5000
No. 030–041, 054–056 $1.12 .647 .389 .274 .228 .185 .132
No. 130–141, 154–156 $1.50 1.05 .796 .615 .542 .477 .372
Each Add’l Color $.829 .442 .229 .132 .102 .074 .042
Please identify repeat orders. MSRP shown. 5A-B-C
Domed Auto Ads 125 250 500 1000 1500
No. 030D–056D, 918D, 919D One Color $2.62 1.85 1.20 1.13 1.07
No. 980–982 One Color $1.42 .931 .605 .509 .486
Each Add’l Color $.607 .332 .203 .121 .098
Please identify repeat orders. MSRP shown. 5C
Auto Ads
Domed Decals have a polyurethane coating
for a unique, three-dimensional look.
Poured Polyurethane
Imprinted Material
Backing Sheet
No. 980
1 1/8" x 3/4"
No. 982
1 1/8" x 9/16"
Chrome Flat Auto Ad
Clear Domed Auto Ad
88 We will advise you if an order is not suitable for our production methods.