Artwork Guidelines
Requirements by Print Method Cut Margins, Bleeds, Fonts
Spot Color Printing
All jobs require vector artwork. If raster artwork is the only art available,
contact customer service.
4-Color Process Printing
Vector artwork is preferred. If raster artwork is submitted, a minimum of
600 dpi is recommended for best results.
Vector Artwork
Vector artwork is an image created
of points and paths. This artwork
is editable, scalable, and able
to be separated for spot color
Raster Artwork
Raster artwork is an image created
of many pixels. This artwork is
not editable, scalable, or able
to be separated for spot color
Software and/or File Format
Cut Margin is the minimum space required between elements of art and the
finished edge of the product. Size and type of product are the two main factors
that determine cut margin. Note that bleed borders must meet or exceed our
minimum cut margin.
Bleed is the distance the ink extends past the finished edge of the product
before final cutting. Standard minimum bleed is 1/8” (.125”). Raster files must
allow for the required bleed when submitted because they are not editable like
vector files.
Converted text is vector artwork and as such can no longer be spellchecked.
However, it does not require fonts in order to be displayed or printed
Live text is still in a text format in the artwork’s original program and can still
be spell-checked and corrected. Live text requires the fonts used in order to
be displayed and printed correctly.
Minimum Font Sizes
Sans Serif in All Caps Positive: 4 pt. bold Reverse: 6 pt. bold
Serif in All Caps Positive: 6-8 pt. bold Reverse: 10-12 pt. bold
Alphanumeric Numbering, Variable Data, Barcodes
PDF (Fonts converted)
Creative Cloud
Illustrator .ai .eps
InDesign (Include fonts and links)
Photoshop (Layered)
Guide to Submitting Artwork
1. Include a .jpg, .png, or .pdf for reference.
2. Convert all fonts to paths/outlines.
3. Include or embed all placed images.
4. Submit artwork at actual size.
5. Identify all spot colors.
6. Allow for bleed if necessary.
7. Submit the original file if possible.
8. Never flatten/merge the layers of a .psd.
9. Indicate the cut/die line clearly.
10. Verify art meets all Artwork Guidelines.
Alphanumeric Numbering is available with letters for use as prefixes and
suffixes. Example: “ ”, “ ”
Variable Data is available for copy such as phone numbers and locations.
Submit a spreadsheet containing the data.
Barcodes are available as constant, variable, or consecutive, in Code 39.
Barcodes with variable numbers will require a
spreadsheet. Chrome and reflective materials will
interfere with code readers. White is required behind
barcodes and QR codes.
Opacity and Contrast when using White Ink on Clear Materials
Clear materials often require white to maintain color integrity. Three options are typically used depending on the art and text elements.
Flooding the background white
Flooding coats the entire decal with white
and, except on rare occasions, it should be
done with face application clear decals only.
Applying a white halo to elements
Elements with a halo are backed for opacity
and have white extending slightly beyond the
art creating a “halo” effect. It is best used to
increase contrast against dark backgrounds.
White viewed from front White viewed from back
Backing up elements or text
If the text or elements are thick enough,
the white can be printed behind the text or
elements only. While adding opacity, white
would be unseen from the front of the decal.
A We will advise you if an order is not suitable for our production methods.