See Material Key.
• White ink is included in the price of clear materials.
• If either dimension exceeds 8 1/2", contact us for pricing.
• Overlamination is recommended for abrasion resistance.
Production Time
Approximately 5 working days.
No die charge for decals with square corners unless either
dimension is less than one inch, for circles with a diameter
every 1/2", or on repeat orders.
All others add:
56 or Less sq. inches: $160.00(D)
57 to 93 sq. inches: $172.00(D)
Color Match
Not available.
Copy Changes
Add $40.00(E) per each change.
See Appendix B for additional information.
Numbering is available in any size up to 1" tall. The most
common sizes include: 7/32", 3/8", 1/2", 3/4" or 1". Please specify size,
color and sequence when ordering. Code 39 barcodes are
available. Prices shown are for one location only.
Art Preparation
There are no art charges for orders with approved digital art.
See Appendix A for complete art information.
White is a color on clear material and is included in the
price. White is highly recommended to improve ink opacity
and contrast.
See the bottom of Appendix A for more information.
Custom Indoor Labels
White is included in the price of clear materials.
Material Key
No. 3461 White Polypropylene (Permanent Adhesive)
No. 3462 White Removable Vinyl
No. 3463 Overlaminated White Polypropylene (Permanent Adhesive)
No. 3464 Clear Polyester (Face Permanent Adhesive)
No. 3465 Clear Polyester (Back Permanent Adhesive)
No. 3466 Overlaminated Clear Polyester (Back Permanent Adhesive)
No. 3467 Clear Static Stick (Face Application)
No. 3468 White Static Stick (Back Application)
No. 3469 Clear Removable Vinyl (Face Adhesive)
No. 3471 Clear Removable Vinyl (Back Adhesive)
No. 3472 Clear Static Stick (Back Application)
Custom Indoor Labels 125 250 500 1000 1500 2500
5 or Less
Sq. Inches
No. 3461, 3462, 3464, 3465 $2.14 1.19 .631 .389 .306 .239
No. 3463, 3466 $2.35 1.29 .718 .425 .352 .284
No. 3467–3472 $2.88 1.58 .911 .589 .461 .356
6 – 10
Sq. Inches
No. 3461, 3462, 3464, 3465 $2.19 1.22 .651 .401 .311 .244
No. 3463, 3466 $2.40 1.32 .739 .437 .364 .294
No. 3467–3472 $3.04 1.68 .957 .618 .486 .378
11 – 17
Sq. Inches
No. 3461, 3462, 3464, 3465 $2.46 1.33 .729 .437 .367 .318
No. 3463, 3466 $3.09 1.70 .951 .572 .451 .401
No. 3467–3472 $3.32 1.79 1.03 .659 .561 .472
18 – 28
Sq. Inches
No. 3461, 3462, 3464, 3465 $2.79 1.49 .864 .536 .461 .401
No. 3463, 3466 $3.50 1.93 1.13 .706 .597 .511
No. 3467–3472 $3.71 2.03 1.29 .854 .738 .643
29 – 41
Sq. Inches
No. 3461, 3462, 3464, 3465 $2.87 1.54 .891 .553 .474 .413
No. 3463, 3466 $3.85 2.10 1.23 .771 .651 .557
No. 3467–3472 $3.89 2.16 1.37 .921 .791 .691
42 – 56
Sq. Inches
No. 3461, 3462, 3464, 3465 $3.29 1.98 1.20 .791 .683 .594
No. 3463, 3466 $4.02 2.48 1.55 1.12 .935 .841
No. 3467–3472 $4.32 2.71 1.78 1.20 1.02 .885
57 – 73
Sq. Inches
No. 3461, 3462, 3464, 3465 $3.52 2.10 1.28 .847 .729 .639
No. 3463, 3466 $4.37 2.76 1.70 1.22 1.12 .861
No. 3467–3472 $4.67 2.92 1.91 1.29 1.12 .981
74 – 93
Sq. Inches
No. 3461, 3462, 3464, 3465 $3.77 2.26 1.37 .905 .781 .681
No. 3463, 3466 $4.77 3.06 1.91 1.35 1.27 .975
No. 3467–3472 $4.96 3.09 2.05 1.36 1.18 1.04
Numbering / Barcodes $.401 .246 .158 .134 .127 .101
Please identify repeat orders. For larger sizes, contact us for pricing. MSRP shown. 5A-B