White Vinyl
No. 5851: Decals are overlaminated
with semi-transparent pre-masking
for easy application.
No. 5851C: Decals have a clear premasking
that will allow graphics to
show through. Clear pre-masking is
great for retail applications.
Production Time
Approximately 10 working days.
Decals with more than 14 picks may
require additional production time.
Each new order requires a die.
There are no die charges for exact
repeat orders.
Color Match
Not available.
Copy Changes
Not available.
Price includes 14 or fewer picks.
Additional picks are $0.02(A) per
pick, per decal. See graphic on page
84 for example of "picks".
Art Preparation
Prices shown include preparation of
straight line copy set in our standard
typestyles. Simple and open
typestyles are recommended for this
item. All text must be at least 1/4" tall.
The space between characters and
elements must be at least 1/16". Main
strokes, line weights, or art elements
must be a minimum of 1/16". If you
supply artwork, we reserve the
right to modify as necessary for this
production process.
See Appendix A for additional information on
art preparation.
Digitally Printed Pro-Cut Vinyl Decals
Choose from two Pre-Masking options!
Select clear or standard semi-transparent pre-masking.
Clear Pre-Mask
Standard Pre-Mask
Digitally Printed Pro-Cut Vinyl Decals 50 125 250 500 1000 Die Charge
10 or Less
No. 5851 4CP / Standard Pre-Mask $11.10 4.69 2.80 1.50 1.00
Sq. Inches
No Charge
No. 5851C 4CP / Clear Pre-Mask $11.32 4.77 2.86 1.52 1.02
11 – 17
Sq. Inches
No. 5851 4CP / Standard Pre-Mask $11.73 5.00 3.02 1.60 1.16
No Charge
No. 5851C 4CP / Clear Pre-Mask $11.98 5.08 3.07 1.67 1.19
18 – 28
Sq. Inches
No. 5851 4CP / Standard Pre-Mask $12.96 6.52 4.70 2.97 2.11 $45
(No die c No. 5851C 4CP / Clear Pre-Mask $13.23 6.62 4.83 3.03 2.16 harge for exact repeats)
29 – 41
Sq. Inches
No. 5851 4CP / Standard Pre-Mask $13.36 7.28 5.07 3.31 2.40 $54
No. 5851C 4CP / Clear Pre-Mask $13.61 7.44 5.17 3.39 2.45 (No die charge for exact repeats)
42 – 56
Sq. Inches
No. 5851 4CP / Standard Pre-Mask $14.67 8.75 5.68 3.67 3.00 $67
No. 5851C 4CP / Clear Pre-Mask $14.95 8.93 5.81 3.75 3.07 (No die charge for exact repeats)
57 – 73
Sq. Inches
No. 5851 4CP / Standard Pre-Mask $16.77 9.84 6.53 4.31 3.57 $71
No. 5851C 4CP / Clear Pre-Mask $17.09 10.06 6.75 4.45 3.69 (No die charge for exact repeats)
74 – 93
Sq. Inches
No. 5851 4CP / Standard Pre-Mask $17.90 10.41 6.86 4.80 4.13 $78
No. 5851C 4CP / Clear Pre-Mask $18.31 10.69 7.10 5.03 4.30 (No die charge for exact repeats)
Please identify repeat orders. For larger sizes, contact us for pricing. MSRP shown. 5A-E
Quick and easy to apply!
2. 3. 4.
Lay decal flat face down. Slowly
remove backing paper from the
pre-mask, pulling straight back and
flat as shown (not at an angle).
Apply pressure-sensitive vinyl
to prepared surface, then
squeegee pre-mask surface
using overlapping strokes.
To expose product, pull pre-masking
straight back as shown above, using a
continuous motion. If bubbles occur in
the letters, simply prick with a needle
and smooth. Do not use a knife or razor.
Lay decal face up on a smooth hard
surface. Squeegee the surface to
ensure good contact between the
pre-mask and the vinyl beneath it.
Note: White Pro-Cuts may be supplied on a colored liner for improved visibility. Clear pre-mask is also available on some items.
While different liners and pre-masks may have different release properties, all material types will release successfully following the steps specified above.
86 We will advise you if an order is not suitable for our production methods.