4-Color Process
.019" Magnet // .036" Magnet
Spot Color
.015" Magnet // .030" Magnet
Production Time
No. 3306
Approximately 3 working days.
No. 444, 445, 3310, 3311, 3413,
and 3414
Approximately 5 working days.
Color Match
Add $43.00(E) per color to
be matched. Not available on
4-color process.
Copy/Color Changes
Add $40.00(E) per each change.
See Appendix B for additional
Art Preparation
There are no art charges for
orders with approved digital art.
Add $51.00(C) for artwork that
does not meet specifications.
See Appendix A for complete art
Business Card Magnets
All cards are 3 1/2" x 2"
4CP Business Card Magnets — 3 Day 125 250 500 1000 1500 2500 5000 10,000
No. 3306 Square Corners .019" $.787 .474 .319 .243 .221 .171 .136 .102
Please identify repeat orders. MSRP shown. 8C
4CP Business Card Magnets — 5 Day 125 250 500 1000 1500 2500 5000 10,000
No. 3310 Square Corners .019" $.669 .401 .269 .223 .189 .137 .093 .091
No. 3311 Round Corners .019" $.763 .476 .287 .243 .223 .139 .095 .093
No. 3413 Square Corners .036" $.796 .503 .334 .259 .206 .152 .108 .099
No. 3414 Round Corners .036" $.906 .597 .358 .277 .219 .155 .112 .102
Please identify repeat orders. MSRP shown. 8C
Choose Spot Color Business Card Magnets
when metallic, fluorescent, color matches
or outdoor durability are required.
Spot Color Business Card Magnets — 5 Day 125 250 500 1000 1500 2500 5000 10,000
No. 444 One Color .015" $1.64 .985 .624 .421 .331 .269 .186 .137
No. 445 One Color .030" $1.85 1.12 .643 .466 .436 .344 .225 .154
Each Add’l Color $.914 .568 .352 .217 .164 .112 .069 .042
Please identify repeat orders. MSRP shown. 3A-2B-2C-D
4-Color Process
Spot Color
108 We will advise you if an order is not suitable for our production methods.