General Information
Orders or Quote Requests
Build an instant quote and order online. If sending an email, include:
1. Your name and contact information
2. Company name, address, and telephone numbers
3. Note whether request is for a quote or an order
4. Material
5. Item Number
6. Size
7. Quantity
8. Colors, including names and numbers (i.e. #19 Fire Red)
9. Note whether art is to be positive or reverse
When your email order or quote is received, a system response will be
emailed back. If you do not receive this confirmation within a period of
one hour after sending the file, please check your spam or junk folder
and resend the file if needed. To assure we can accurately view your
art, send a .jpg or .pdf file along with your vector art. See Appendix A for
additional art guidelines.
Material Thickness
Throughout the catalog items are listed with various thicknesses.
All measurements are approximate.
There will be no cancellation charges if the order is
cancelled before the artwork is started. There will be a
$48.00 (net) minimum charge if the order is cancelled
after the art has been started but prior to production.
An order cannot be cancelled if production has started.
Art Preparation
There are no art charges for orders with approved digital art or for
factory art preparation of copy set in standard typestyles. If artwork
requires rework, extensive typesetting or design, add $51.00(C) on
the first order only. Contact your customer service representative for
complete details. Additional charges may be required to complete the
work. To create your own artwork, follow the complete guidelines found
in Appendix A.
Copy/Color Changes
Copy or color changes may be used to
combine lots for quantity savings. Add
$40.00(E) per each change. Copy and
color changes cannot be combined on the same order. Changes must
be in multiples of the minimum quantity shown for the item ordered. If
more than 5 color or copy changes are needed for your order, contact
your customer service representative to review.
Numbering and barcodes are available on items other than those shown
in the catalog. Contact us for pricing and styles. We do not guarantee
that there will not be any missing numbers.
Non-Standard Quantities
Any order calling for quantities between standard catalog quantities will
be priced at the lower quantity price. Example: An order of 800 will be
priced at the 500 quantity price.
Due to the difficulty of manufacturing to exact quantity requirements,
a shipment of 5% over or under the quantity ordered will constitute a
complete order and will be billed accordingly.
Less Than Minimums
If your order requires a quantity that is less than what is found in the
catalog, please contact us for pricing.
Political Orders
The client is responsible for including required funding declarations for
political advertising. Each state has different laws regarding political
advertising and appropriate copy must be supplied with your order.
Screens/Halftones of a color will require an additional charge of
$32.00(E). Both new and repeat orders are subject to halftone charges.
Production Times
Production times are approximate and are listed for each item on each
catalog page. Use the website to streamline your order through our
manufacturing process. Specific ship dates must be confirmed with
our customer service department. If a proof is needed, production time
will begin after the proof has been approved. Additional or extended
processes will increase standard production times.
Repeat Orders
Identify repeat orders with the previous order number and year it was
produced. Orders are retained on file for one year. A sample may be
needed and art charges may apply for orders older than one year.
Rush Service
We will, for an additional charge, produce an order
in less than normal production time. Charges and
availability vary depending on current workload, item
involved and complexity of art. We also offer several
Kwik-Ship items. See pages 12–20, 48, 54, 60 and the
Labels section (pages 116–120 and 122) for more details.
Shipping Policies
Indicate your preferred shipping method. If no instructions are given,
we will ship ground freight via our standard carriers. If motor freight
shipments are required using standard 40” x 48” pallets, there will be a
skidding charge of $16.50 (net) for the necessary packing and banding.
Orders requiring a larger pallet will incur a $74.00 (net) skidding
charge. Additional charges will apply if you require a liftgate or inside
delivery. We ship all orders prepaid, unless requested otherwise.
We do not ship C.O.D.
3rd Party Freight
Handling charges will be added to all orders requesting 3rd party freight
Split Shipments
For a split shipment, there will be an additional $6.50
(net) charge for each destination after the first.
F.O.B. Point
All prices are F.O.B. our plant in Kansas. We are not
responsible for orders lost or damaged in transit.
Product Use
No items offered are designed or intended primarily for children 12 years
of age or younger. We reserve the right to use all products in advertising,
on displays and as samples unless otherwise clearly specified in writing
at the time an order is placed. All registered trademarks and trademarks
shown are the property of their respective holders.