Custom Spot Color Magnets
.015" Magnet // .030" Magnet
• If the material thickness is not
specified, the .030" thickness will
be used.
Production Time
Approximately 5 working days.
No die charge for magnets with square
corners unless either dimension is
less than one inch, for circles with a
diameter every 1/2", or on repeat orders.
All others add: $174.00(D)
Color Match
Add $43.00(E) per color to be matched.
Copy/Color Changes
Add $40.00(E) per each change.
See Appendix B for additional information.
Care Instructions
Before applying an outdoor magnet
to a vehicle, thoroughly clean and
dry the area. Remove the magnet
daily to clean and dry both it and the
underlying surface. This will prevent
dirt buildup and maintain the proper
magnetic bond without affecting the
pull strength of the magnet. Detailed
instructions accompany orders.
Art Preparation
There are no art charges for orders
with approved digital art. Add $51.00(C)
for artwork that does not meet
See Appendix A for complete art information.
No. 350 125 250 500 1000 1500 2500 5000 10,000
4 or Less
Sq. Inches
.015" One Color $2.45 1.35 .797 .461 .362 .267 .193 .122
.030" One Color $2.90 1.60 .962 .561 .451 .332 .221 .151
Each Add’l Color $1.07 .631 .409 .274 .221 .143 .074 .039
4.01 – 5
Sq. Inches
.015" One Color $2.80 1.46 .854 .542 .435 .309 .213 .137
.030" One Color $3.31 1.75 1.03 .661 .538 .388 .244 .164
Each Add’l Color $1.20 .698 .465 .315 .235 .154 .082 .043
5.01 – 6
Sq. Inches
.015" One Color $2.97 1.58 .928 .607 .482 .346 .229 .161
.030" One Color $3.50 1.87 1.13 .741 .593 .431 .274 .186
Each Add’l Color $1.40 .733 .488 .334 .251 .158 .083 .047
6.01 – 8
Sq. Inches
.015" One Color $3.12 1.69 1.02 .639 .526 .391 .249 .173
.030" One Color $3.68 2.00 1.23 .775 .651 .477 .297 .211
Each Add’l Color $1.46 .796 .534 .349 .258 .173 .089 .051
8.01 – 10
Sq. Inches
.015" One Color $3.58 1.80 1.14 .705 .563 .437 .277 .193
.030" One Color $4.21 2.17 1.36 .856 .698 .511 .334 .235
Each Add’l Color $1.50 .928 .581 .409 .294 .193 .101 .059
10.01 – 12
Sq. Inches
.015" One Color $4.07 2.16 1.30 .817 .694 .469 .304 .205
.030" One Color $4.76 2.55 1.54 .998 .856 .553 .371 .264
Each Add’l Color $2.00 1.07 .663 .431 .321 .196 .102 .077
12.01 – 14
Sq. Inches
.015" One Color $4.30 2.27 1.33 .851 .733 .503 .331 .233
.030" One Color $5.06 2.70 1.60 1.04 .907 .601 .412 .304
Each Add’l Color $2.15 1.27 .734 .437 .346 .225 .118 .089
14.01 – 16
Sq. Inches
.015" One Color $5.00 2.51 1.64 .931 .809 .526 .354 .253
.030" One Color $5.88 3.04 1.97 1.14 .998 .628 .445 .332
Each Add’l Color $2.25 1.30 .829 .501 .399 .299 .169 .106
16.01 – 20
Sq. Inches
.015" One Color $5.34 2.71 1.74 .998 .862 .589 .405 .286
.030" One Color $6.27 3.22 2.09 1.22 1.07 .706 .482 .381
Each Add’l Color $2.41 1.42 .885 .536 .425 .319 .177 .116
20.01 – 24
Sq. Inches
.015" One Color $5.81 2.95 1.90 1.10 .938 .651 .442 .321
.030" One Color $6.83 3.52 2.28 1.32 1.17 .796 .561 .435
Each Add’l Color $2.62 1.52 .964 .581 .465 .347 .193 .126
24.01 – 30
Sq. Inches
.015" One Color $6.27 3.18 2.05 1.18 1.02 .722 .501 .352
.030" One Color $7.38 3.81 2.45 1.43 1.26 .901 .647 .503
Each Add’l Color $2.80 1.68 1.04 .628 .501 .375 .207 .137
30.01 – 38
Sq. Inches
.015" One Color $6.90 3.50 2.25 1.29 1.13 .812 .581 .425
.030" One Color $8.13 4.19 2.72 1.56 1.37 1.02 .758 .572
Each Add’l Color $3.11 1.83 1.16 .693 .551 .412 .233 .148
Please identify repeat orders. For larger sizes, contact us for pricing. MSRP shown. 5A-B-C-D