Water-Resistant Poster Board
White Polyethylene
.010" Plastic
.010" Laminated Tag Stock
Production Time
Approximately 5 working days.
Color Match
Add $43.00(E) per color to
be matched. Not available on
4-color process.
Copy/Color Changes
Add $40.00(E) per each change.
See Appendix B for additional information.
Art Preparation
There are no art charges for
orders with approved digital art.
Add $51.00(C) for artwork that
does not meet specifications.
See Appendix A for complete information.
Overlaminated White Vinyl
Permanent, pressure-sensitive
Production Time
Approximately 5 working days.
Color Match
Not available.
Copy Changes
Add $40.00(E) per each change.
See Appendix B for additional information.
Art Preparation
There are no art charges for
orders with approved digital art.
Add $51.00(C) for artwork that
does not meet specifications.
See Appendix A for complete information.
Keg Collars
Spot Color Keg Collars 125 250 500 1000 1500 2500 5000
No. 1461 .023" Polyethylene One Color $4.01 2.16 1.28 .871 .762 .561 .405
No. 1462 .015" Polyethylene One Color $3.76 1.96 1.10 .711 .587 .421 .337
No. 1463 .024" All-Weather Poster Board One Color $3.03 1.84 .981 .544 .383 .256 .164
No. 1464 .018" All-Weather Poster Board One Color $2.86 1.70 .905 .503 .354 .221 .145
Each Add’l Color $.591 .306 .164 .106 .083 .054 .035
Please identify repeat orders. MSRP shown. 5A-B-C
4-Color Process Keg Collars 125 250 500 1000 1500 2500 5000
No. 1471 .010" Plastic $2.70 1.86 1.22 .835 .631 .497 .383
No. 1472 .010" Laminated Tag Stock $2.31 1.59 1.03 .715 .544 .465 .372
Please identify repeat orders. MSRP shown. 5A-B-C
Keg Wraps
Keg Wraps 50 125 250 500 1000
No. 3101 29 1/2" x 3" $4.20 2.48 1.90 1.60 1.47
No. 3102 35" x 3" $4.55 2.76 2.15 1.83 1.70
No. 3103 38 1/2" x 3" $4.77 2.90 2.29 1.98 1.83
No. 3104 45 1/2" x 3" $5.16 3.20 2.50 2.28 2.10
No. 3105 49 1/2" x 3" $5.42 3.40 2.76 2.44 2.28
Please identify repeat orders. MSRP shown. 5A
Keg Collars are great
for identifying kegs
and recording the date
the keg was filled.
Spot Color Keg Collars
6 1/2" dia. Die-cut hole is 2 9/32" dia.
4-Color Process Keg Collars
6 1/4" dia. Die-cut hole is 2 9/32" dia.
72 We will advise you if an order is not suitable for our production methods.